Menus of Change

(Could someone organize something like this for our region?)

June 10-12, Cambridge MA

Here for more information.

This leadership summit, presented by The Culinary Institute of America and Harvard School of Public Health, will help you NAVIGATE an increasingly complicated world of shifting consumer values and demands, public health imperatives, escalating food costs, and looming environmental challenges. Harvard nutrition expert Dr. Walter Willet (left) is chairman of the Menus of Change Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, a group that together with the CIA and our Sustainable Business Leadership Council is working to create an integrated platform of strategies and tools to help you build forward-looking—and delicious!—menu concepts for the future.
Confirmed speakers to date include Sam Kass, senior policy advisor for healthy food initiatives at the White House; Barton Seaver, CIA graduate, author of For Cod and Country, and director of the Healthy and Sustainable Food Program at the Harvard University Center for Health and the Global Environment; Andrea Illy, CEO of illycaffè, and director of his company’s economic, social, and environmental sustainability value report; and Rick Bayless (left), chef, author, television host, and sustainability advocate.