Next Steps for Marketing Breakout Group – The Driftless Region Identity

Marketing and Communication

The Driftless Region Identity

To the members of the marketing and communication group, the need to capitalize on the work of the many, diverse actors in the local food system could not have been clearer.  Thankfully, despite its lack of wide name recognition, the Driftless Region possesses uniqueness and qualities that lend themselves well to a well-organized, coordinated marketing effort.

Next steps:

  • Who will lead the effort to define and communicate the meaning, strengths and shared history of the term, “Driftless Region” to consumers and potential stakeholders?  How will that effort begin?
  • Which producers, retailers and other food-related stakeholders will take the lead incorporating the Driftless name into marketing and communication efforts?

We would like to encourage your participation in continuing conversations. Please step forward by posting a comment below or by emailing us.  If you have suggestions on how we can proceed please don’t hesitate to share them.

3 thoughts on “Next Steps for Marketing Breakout Group – The Driftless Region Identity

  1. Tim Keneipp

    Interesting post. I am member of the Driftless Region Bicycle Coalition, a non-profit bicycling advocacy and education organization ( We are based out of La Crosse and have members in two states and five counties, defining what is the “Driftless Region” has been a bit of a challenge for us. We have also benefited from the more nebulous definition/scope of the region allowing us to expand or contract our definition of the region as needed.

    1. Michelle Miller

      Tim, thanks for your post. We definitely want to extend an invitation to your group (and other bicycle enthusiasts / activists) to participate in this effort. We are working with the regional definition crafted by the winegrape growers (4-state, 57 county) but see the need to let the boundaries expand / contract depending on work at hand. Our next meeting is July 23, right before the Kickapoo Country Fair. We are hoping that people will come to the Driftless Food and Farming meeting, and then set up a booth at the fair and stay a few days to interact more casually.

      Do you have counterparts in other segments of the region? Are you working the tourism angle? Keep watching this site for more posts on the topic and up-coming meetings. The paper we are using that defines the Driftless will be posted soon.

  2. Pingback: Driftless Food and Farm Project Update – Breakout Session Recaps Posted » Driftless Region Food & Farm Project

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