On-line sales platforms
There is a flurry of activity to support small farmers and their farmers markets and restaurant partners as we all grapple with changing supply chains. The good news is that with restaurants closed, people are purchasing more food from groceries. (More than 50% of the food we consume has come from restaurants!) Our independent grocery partners are now on the front line of resilience in the food system.
I will post info to this web site as it becomes available to me. For example, this webinar will discuss on-line sales platforms and will be recorded so you can participate live or listen later. [I realize not everyone has internet access – people are working on options. Time to make the internet a utility!]:
With restaurants and some farmers markets shutting down, we know many of you need to find alternative sales channels for your products. Customers are also looking for new solutions to buy quality, organic food safely.
Join Oregon Tilth’s free webinar on Friday, March 20 at 11:00am PST to learn more about direct-to-consumer online sales platforms.
Please forward this to any farmers that may benefit from attending.
We’ll hear from representatives from four online sales platforms:
* Barn2Door
* Harvie
* Local Food Marketplace
* Open Food Network
When you register, we’ll send you a round-up of online sales platforms, questions to consider, and other resources to help your farm adapt during this crisis.
The webinar will be recorded and available on our website.
*REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR <https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftilth.us10.list-manage.com%2Ftrack%2Fclick%3Fu%3Da8b54e2fc4edb4203771d7bc8%26id%3Dff815ee4fd%26e%3D86d54827d5&data=02%7C01%7C%7C6b8b60ce42c24855b99708d7cc33b50b%7Cafb58802ff7a4bb1ab21367ff2ecfc8b%7C0%7C0%7C637202394768933489&sdata=dSHxjNVgO5assJxMD6sT%2F2vo6jATUJAJxP24%2FxHBURU%3D&reserved=0>*