Webinar: The Next Normal

Register for live session April 15, 3:30 central.

As part of a series on Covid-19 & the Food System: Understanding Impacts & Exploring Solutions, CIAS researcher Michelle Miller will present The Next Normal: Restructuring Food Supply Chains, on April 15, 3:30pm. The series is sponsored by the University of Missouri Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security and MU Extension Community Economic Development Food Systems Team. This presentation is offered in conjunction with the MU Deaton Institute Within Reach: Zero Hunger conference, April 12-15.

To register: https://umsystem.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkcOCrrTgtGNLJfQoVPQ3p5x0wn068-A1M

Presentations are recorded and available on the web. Earlier presentations include:

Emerging Issues in Emergency Food (Recording)
Thursday, February 18, 2021, 3:30-4:30 p.m. CST
Speaker: Darren Chapman, Ph.D., Project Coordinator, University of Missouri, Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security

Covid-19 Brought Us Together: Building new collaborations between Ohio’s food and agriculture sector and State Emergency Management (Recording) Thursday, March 18, 2021, 3:30-4:30 p.m. CST
Speaker: Shoshanah Inwood, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Ohio State University, School of Environmental and Natural Resources